$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre subgit usage: subgit [options] [args] Available commands: configure Create SubGit configuration file to be used by 'install' command. install Install SubGit into Subversion or Git repository. import Import from Subversion to Git repository. uninstall Disable SubGit translation. register Register repository with a registration key. shutdown Stop background translation process. fetch Start daemon and fetch SVN changes, if possible. daemon Start or stop shared polling process. verify Check that Git and Subversion repositories are translated correctly. help Display help on SubGit or on its specific command. Type 'subgit help ' for more information on a specific command. Type 'subgit --version' to see the program version. SubGit is a tool for a safe and smooth migration from Subversion to Git. For additional information see http://subgit.com/